The Happiness Factor

6 proven methodologies to capture the elusive state of joy


99 People


Kate Cook

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Is Happiness a will-o’-the wisp miasma over which we have little control over?

Kate Cook takes you through 6 proven methodologies to capture that apparently elusive ideal state in a bubble of joy.

We explore the relationship to our main happiness hormones including oxytocin, serotonin, and importantly dopamine.

We delve into the difference between Happiness and Pleasure and how modern society may confuse the two.

Different countries experience different levels of joy so what can we learn from them? Most importantly, Kate encourages you to commit to a couple of the strategies so that you can seize the bliss!


    The Happiness Equation:

    How to find Happiness in a chaotic world

    A definition of Happiness – Pleasure Vs Contentment

    An understanding of optimising the “biochemistry of Happiness” – ie the mechanism the hormones that dictate our mood

    The hormone of addiction – Dopamine, The hormone of happiness – serotonin.

    Food and hacking happiness – eating to manage stress and energy (uncontrolled stress leads to addiction because of unfavourable hormonal cascades)

    Food that impacts addiction, and what to do about it

    Habits that impact addiction, and how to navigate them

    Mining happiness Cope (stress), Sleep, Mindful Eating, Exercise - Solutions

    Contribute – finding meaning by giving to others, and how it positively effects serotonin - solutions

    Cook – How to eat when time is against us - solutions

    Kate Cook

    Kate Cook


    Kate offers an unbeatable combination: science-backed expertise matched with research and analysis to develop easy packages to inspire your staff, along with brilliantly engaging delivery.

    Kate has been a nutritionist for 20 years, working with individuals and corporates to create happier and healthier workforces that boost performance. She is a top UK wellness and nutrition expert.

    Frequently asked questions

    Bookings can only be made via allocated and registered contacts who can log in to their profile.

    All names are anonymised and confidential. The diagnostic will only show the overall outcomes relating to anxiety, stress, energy, sense of wellbeing & productivity.

    Of course, we work closely with all of our clients to find the right practitioner and programme to suit your needs.

    Not yet, that’s something we’re working on behind the scenes.

    We go through an extremely thorough vetting process with all of our practitioners, so you can rest assured that they will be of the highest standard for your organisation. However, as we first start to work with clients we can organise a 10min introduction with our practitioners.

    We can do this, please get in touch to find out more.

    Please see our T&C’s for rescheduling and cancellation policies.

    Our onsite programmes are predominantly London & SE based, please get in touch if your company / event is outside of those areas. All on site programmes are subject to travel costs.

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